Galileo Offline Maps All the ideas and discussions
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I would like to find a way to remove an offline map that I stored, either through iTunes or directly within the application. I looked around but didnt find a way to do it. Since I uploaded several maps, I start having mem problems

Simply allow to remove an uploaded offline map, e.g. in the Cache Info menu

Alberto , 25.11.2010, 20:38
Idea status: completed


AmyL, 21.01.2011, 15:48
You CAN delete maps! I thought this would be a show-stopper for using this app.
In iTunes, iPhone->Apps
Scroll down to the File Sharing section and choose Galileo.
Select the map you want to delete, and hit the keyboard Delete key.

It would be nice to do it from within the app too, but this method is perfectly adequate for my needs.

Now, if I could just import a GPS file!
Alan, 05.09.2011, 12:47
A delightful and helpful app! Deleting maps from within the application seems possible, but even with restarts and reboots, the deleted map remained. The iTunes File Sharing method does work.

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