Galileo Offline Maps All the ideas and discussions
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Have a seperate tile server for the offline maps.

I got the message Access Blocked from OpenStreetMap

Remco Schoen , 06.06.2011, 19:59
Response from the site administrator
Yulia, 15.11.2013
Hey, update the app to the latest version 3.0 and enjoy vector maps available for download within the app:
Detailed and easy-to-use offline vector maps based on OpenStreetMap data available to download within the app.
No more tricky preparation of offline maps in advance — download vector map of whole country in one click.
Idea status: completed


Duvel, 14.03.2012, 22:10
This isn't a real issue with Galileo but with MOBAC and demanding to much of the OpenStreetMap servers. I ended up creating my own tile server at home and now have my own map (4 GB), just the way I like it.

OpenStreetMap is now also promoting this with a website:

Maybe worth a blog post?

Kind regards,

Remco Schoen
Duvel, 24.04.2013, 10:18
With the new Custom XML Map Source ( you now also can use your own tile server in Galileo.

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