Galileo Offline Maps All the ideas and discussions
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Be able to stop tracking Simply to save battery

Hi, i'am a fan since 2010 of Galilleo (see comment under neari nickname on itune) on old version of Galileo when i clicked and the left down button i was able to start tracking and stop tracking, that helped to save battery of iphone, now we have to go Preference > select > network > mode offline, Iphone idea if to make silmple and easy, i want back the button to stop/start tracking on the screen map please..


neari , 14.05.2012, 10:26
Response from the site administrator
Yulia, 14.05.2012
Hi, thank you for using the Galileo Offline Maps!
Yes, there have been a few changes in the user interface since the version 2.1.
First tap on the left down "Locate Me" button - initiates the tracking mode, next tap on this button switches to the 'compass' mode.
To turn off the tracking or compass mode - simply touch and move the map.
Idea status: completed


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